Module 4: Put Options Explained

Put options are another fundamental part of options trading. Let's break down what they are and how they work:

What is a Put Option?

  • Definition: A put option gives you the right to sell a stock at a specific price within a set time period.
  • It's like a safety net that lets you sell a product at a certain price, even if the market price goes down.

Rights and Obligations

  • Put Buyer: Has the right to sell the stock at the strike price.
  • Put Seller: Has the obligation to buy the stock if the buyer uses their option.

When to Buy a Put Option

  • You buy a put when you think the stock price will go down.
  • It's a way to protect against a falling stock price or to profit from a decline without actually selling the stock short.
  • Put options can serve as a hedge against potential losses in your stock holdings.

Potential Profits and Losses

  • Maximum Loss: The premium you paid (if the stock price doesn't go below the strike price)
  • Maximum Profit: Limited (the stock price can only go down to zero)

Put Option Outcomes

  • Stock Price < Strike Price - Premium → Profit

This shows when the put option is most profitable.

  • Strike Price > Stock Price > Strike Price - Premium → Partial Loss

This illustrates the breakeven point and when you might recoup some, but not all, of the premium.

  • Stock Price > Strike Price → Total Loss of Premium

This shows when the put option expires worthless.

Real-world Scenarios

  • Portfolio protection: If you own stocks and are worried about a market downturn, you might buy put options as a downside protection strategy.
  • Creating a price floor: Put options can help establish a minimum selling price for stocks you own, limiting potential losses.
  • Bearish outlook: If you think a company will report poor earnings, you might buy a put option to profit from the potential price drop.


Let's use "NorthernMiner Corp," a fictional company from the Materials industry sector. NorthernMiner is currently trading at $50.

  • You buy a put option with a strike price of $48, expiring in two months, for a premium of $2 per share.
  • This put option acts as a value protection strategy for your NorthernMiner shares.
  • Total cost: $2 × 100 shares = $200

Possible outcomes:

1. If NorthernMiner falls to $45:

  • Your option is worth at least $3 per share ($48 - $45)
  • Potential profit: $300 - $200 = $100

2. If NorthernMiner rises to $55:

  • Your option expires worthless
  • You lose your $200 premium


1. You buy a put option with a strike price of $40 for a premium of $3. The stock is currently at $42. What's the breakeven stock price?

  1. $40
  2. $37
  3. $43

2. What's the maximum profit possible when buying a put option?

  1. The premium paid
  2. The strike price minus the premium
  3. It's unlimited

3. True or False: Put options can be used as a form of safety net for your stock portfolio.


Answers: 1) b, 2) b, 3) True


Put options can be a valuable tool for protecting your investments or profiting from falling stock prices. They offer a way to hedge against potential losses or to speculate on market declines. However, like all options, they come with risks, including the possibility of losing your entire premium if the stock price doesn't move as expected.

You've added a valuable tool to your trading arsenal. Next, we'll explore what makes option prices tick. Understanding these factors is crucial for spotting opportunities and managing risks. Ready to decode option pricing? Let's dive into Module 5!



The strategies presented in this article are for information and training purposes only, and should not be interpreted as recommendations to buy or sell any security. As always, you should ensure that you are comfortable with the proposed scenarios and ready to assume all the risks before implementing an option strategy.

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